[Graph-support] graphs w/ Office2007
John Loebach
2009-02-16 03:58:50 UTC
I have not been able to view any graphs since installingOffice 2007. I can open the software and add functions, but cannot view the graphs. One of my students says that she is using Office 2007 and the graph software, and I can view her work, but no one else's ( who I think are still using the older version of Office ) nor my own. Can you tell me what is wrong?

I could use the software before installing Office 2007, and I can use the software if I go to another computer that is using the older version of Office.
John Loebach
University of Phoenix-Online
Ivan Johansen
2009-02-16 22:47:00 UTC
Post by John Loebach
I have not been able to view any graphs since installingOffice 2007. I
can open the software and add functions, but cannot view the graphs.
One of my students says that she is using Office 2007 and the graph
software, and I can view her work, but no one else's ( who I think are
still using the older version of Office ) nor my own. Can you tell me
what is wrong?
I could use the software before installing Office 2007, and I can use
the software if I go to another computer that is using the older version
of Office.
I am not sure I understand you correctly. Are you not able to run Graph
standalone or is it only a problem when Graph is embedded in Word?
I am not able to reproduce any problems. I have tried on two computers
with MS Office 2007. It might help to reinstall Graph.

Can you maybe send me a file that demonstrates the problem?

Best regards
Ivan Johansen

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