[Graph-support] Sin curve?
Sophie Hetherington
2009-05-09 13:37:31 UTC
How can I put the formula for a sin curve into graph? I need to make a model for some data, and have to base it on the sin curve, but have no idea how to put a formula into Graph that the program will recognise. Can you help me?


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Matthew Low
2009-05-09 19:04:03 UTC
Function -> Insert Function
Type "sin(x)" into the Function equation field.
Click OK.


On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Sophie Hetherington
Post by Sophie Hetherington
How can I put the formula for a sin curve into graph? I need to make a model
for some data, and have to base it on the sin curve, but have no idea how to
put a formula into Graph that the program will recognise. Can you help me?
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Graph-support mailing list
Tom Gettys
2009-05-09 23:02:32 UTC
It sounds like you might be wanting to fit a sin() function to some data; if
so here is what to do:

Enter your data points into a point series.

Select Function | Insert trendline (ctrl-T).

Click the User-defined tab.

Select Sinusoidal, then click the add model button and give it a name
(MySin, for example).

Tom Gettys

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To dream of the person you would like to be

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From: Sophie Hetherington [mailto:***@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 6:38 AM
To: graph-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Graph-support] Sin curve?

How can I put the formula for a sin curve into graph? I need to make a model
for some data, and have to base it on the sin curve, but have no idea how to
put a formula into Graph that the program will recognise. Can you help me?



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