[Graph-support] Equations (specifically fractions) in text labels
Anthony Cameron
2009-04-29 23:05:10 UTC
Dear all
I was wondering if there was a way one could insert equations into text label.
I saw that you could insert objects into labels, it displayed "OpenOffice.org
1.1 Formula" and "OpenDocument Formula". Both of these options returned the
message "The specific module could not be found".
Can this be worked around or is there another feature that allows of entering
equations, perhapes through LaTex or something similar.

Many Thanks

Ivan Johansen
2009-05-01 06:19:23 UTC
Post by Anthony Cameron
Dear all
I was wondering if there was a way one could insert equations into text label.
I saw that you could insert objects into labels, it displayed "OpenOffice.org
1.1 Formula" and "OpenDocument Formula". Both of these options returned the
message "The specific module could not be found".
Can this be worked around or is there another feature that allows of entering
equations, perhapes through LaTex or something similar.
You should be able to insert an OpenDocument Formula. At least it has
worked before. There might be a problem with the installation of
OpenOffice.org. I will check it on my computer when I get home.
Alternatively you can use MS Equation Editor from MS Office.

Best regards
Ivan Johansen
2009-05-03 15:13:49 UTC
I use Mathtype 6.0c for my equation writing in my documents. I have found by
choosing insert label, then insert object (the OLE icon), Mathtype appears in
the list. Choosing the mathtype object, I can then type in any sort of equation,
and graph displays it perfectly, even when rotated 90, 180, 270, or some other

Thanks Ivan for this great program! Graph FTW!!!1
Ivan Johansen
2009-05-03 20:41:24 UTC
I have now installed OpenOffice.org 3.0 and I can reproduce the error.
It looks like a bug in OOo as the same problem happens when I try to
insert an OpenDocument Formula object in Wordpad.

I am trying to get some help from the OpenOffice.org community to find a

Best regards
Ivan Johansen
Ivan Johansen
2009-05-08 09:30:59 UTC
I have now found out what is going on with this issue.
There are actually two problems.

The first problem is that OpenOffice.org does not register itself
correctly. It is a known problem with some information here:

You can work around this problem by doing two things:
1. Copy the file uwinapi.dll from
C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\URE\bin (I assume OOo is installed at
the default location) to C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Basis\program

2. To fix the OpenDocument Formula object, start regedit and change the
value of the key
to C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\Basis\program\inprocserv.dll

You can repeat step 2 for each OpenOffice.org object by searching for
the object name of the object type.

The next problem is that OOo crashes when the object is default
instantiated. It seems to be caused by the fact that Graph does not
support in-place activation. As that is an option, it looks like a bug
in OOo. However I have implemented a workaround for this in the latest
beta version of Graph, so Graph forces the object to run in its own
window. You can find the latest beta version here:

Best regards
Ivan Johansen

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