[Graph-support] Please Help with Graphing Function
2009-04-03 02:14:13 UTC
Could you please help me with graphing a function that looks like this:

It wont show up anywhere on my page!!

Thank You
Thomas Lingefjärd
2009-04-03 06:28:41 UTC
This is a tricky expression. I'm not sure you have all the bracket right
or how this functions looks in true algebraic form. Is the last
numerator outside the whole expression? Maxima claims that the syntax is

With a complicated function like this, it is extremely important to see
it written in correct mathematical form. Can you provide it in LaTex style?

If the function is what I think it is, asin will be forced to evaluate
values for arcsin(x) way outside the domain -1 < x < 1. That will cause
a complex function instead.
Post by j***@aol.com
It wont show up anywhere on my page!!
Thank You
Vänliga hälsningar/ Bedste hilsner/ Best regards/ Bien cordialement/ Cordilamente/ Pozdrowienia/ Schöne Grüße/ Szívélyes üdvözlettel, Thomas

Thomas Lingefjärd

Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
UNIVERSITY of GOTHENBURG, Department of Education

Box 300
Telephone: +46 (0)31 786 2253
Cellular: +46 (0)708 29 39 73

Mail: ***@ped.gu.se
Web: http://www.ipd.gu.se/personal/thomas.lingefjard/

"For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing:
it also depends on what sort of person you are." (C.S. Lewis)
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